Saturday 15 November 2014

Review | Rimmel London Wake Me Up Foundation | Beauty Brags

Rimmel London Wake Me Up
Foundation - £8.99 at Superdrug
This is the last foundation in my search for the perfect perfume before I will finally post what foundation I define as "perfect" and now use on a daily basis. So - spoiler alert - I have found that foundation and - another spoiler alert - although I do love this foundation, it's not my ultimately perfect foundation.

I used this product for just over a year after my favourite foundation could no longer be found in stores in my home country of Scotland and assumedly has been discontinued (sadface). It is a liquid foundation and I would recommend applying this product with your fingers as when the product first comes out of the bottle, it is pretty cold and foundation is best applied when warm so leaving it to settle on your fingers for a few moments heats the liquid up and makes it easier to apply and blends into your skin a lot better - goodbye orange faces!

The product boasts an anti-fatigue element and this could not be truer. I received so many compliments about not looking tired and looking quite fresh (even at work after a night out!) and I always recommended this product as the sole cause for this. I honestly do not know how it does it, but my face always looked fresher after applying which was a relief for my pasty white skin, especially in winter in Scotland! You can actually see how much I used the product from the quality of the bottle in the picture - faded and almost empty! It also lasts for ages and I only had to buy two of these bottles in the amount of time I had it which I was really impressed with - and in all honestly, I probably only had to buy the other bottle because I often apply foundation in the morning and then again in the evening if I'm going well, anywhere, really!

All in all, if you're looking for something that gives you a beautiful healthy glow and covers up your dark circles and skin impurities then this is the product for you! The only fault I could possibly have with this product is the fact that because it is a liquid foundation, getting the right amount out of the bottle can be a little tricky as one pump is not enough but two is too much so you're often left with a lot of excess foundation on your hands (literally!). Also the fact that if you do not allow the liquid foundation to warm up in your hands, you might struggle to get the product to blend properly with your skin, leaving you with orange marks around the side of your face but I think that can be said, in my experience, for any liquid foundation!

There is a range of tones available from ivory to natural beige (which actually looks quite dark!). The shade I have been using is soft beige which seems a tad light for what I would usually go for but is actually a perfect match so if you are buying online, I would recommend looking at the photos of the tones before purchasing and going by that instead of the description. Obviously if you are buying in-store, I would really recommend trying the product before purchasing! You can see a range of the tones from Superdrug here.

At the moment, the product is £8.99 at Superdrug but is included in a special 3 for 2 offer on the store website, but I am unsure if this applies to products in store as well. As always, the product is offered in most other stores which stock make-up and beauty products but I am unsure on the prices of these - a simple google price comparison site should fix that! I've included a photo of how the product looks out of the bottle and once again, I really hope that this has been informative and I would highly recommend this product.

Keep a look out for a post on my all-time favourite foundation - coming soon! This foundation ranked a close #2 in my search!

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