Sunday 27 July 2014

Review | Rimmel London BB Cream | Beauty Brags

Rimmel London BB Cream 9-in-1
£6.99 from ASOS
I accidentally ordered this product online as a present for my mum before realizing that she had actually asked for the No.7 BB Cream, not Rimmel London. Oops. So naturally, I took it for myself! Luckily we're more or less the same skin tone and so not much damage was done, thankfully.

The product promises quite a lot, the packaging boasting "skin perfecting super makeup" and I can't exactly say it lives up to's really not much more than another marketing hype. However, that doesn't mean that the product itself is bad or average. In fact, I would rate this product at just above average, although nothing spectacular.

The shade I bought was light - there was only two you could choose from; light or medium. Usually I would have went for medium, but given the lack of other alternative and the fact I am Scottish (with pale white skin in comparison to the rest of the world, unfortunately!), I went for the light shade, figuring that the medium tone would be more suited to people with tanned skin. I wasn't impressed with the lack of option!

The product itself has an SPF 25 which is normal for a BB cream, but impressive and incredibly useful. The texture feels like a normal liquid foundation would do, but slightly creamier and not as runny. It was slightly disappointing that you would need a fair bit of the product to have completely even coverage of the facial area as it didn't seem too willing to spread far when applied. The coverage was decent, but not flawless. Pimples, spots and red blotches were still visible on the skin after application, even if slightly covered up, reducing the redness of all, but still making it seen to the naked eye. I also felt my pores were slightly blocked with it, but then perhaps I was applying a bit too much in desperation to cover all my flaws (which are fairly extensive, hence the foundation/bb cream search!). It did, however, feel light and natural on my skin.

Overall, it's not perfect and definitely not "skin perfecting", but it is ideal for a sunny day when you don't want to be covered in foundation and concealer, but don't exactly want to let the world see the full extent of your dark circles!

Have you tried Rimmel London's BB Cream? What did you think of it?

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