Sunday 30 August 2015

Review | Avon Mega Effects Mascara | Beauty Brags

Avon Mega Effects Mascara - £10.00
Hey guys! Yet another Avon product being reviewed today since I did order quite a few products on my last order - oops!

Today's review is solely about Avon's Mega Effects Mascara which is supposedly going to revolutionize the way we use mascara. Yeah, right, what beauty product doesn't say that? However, Avon does have something that might just back that up given that they have a completely unique and rather weird looking brush. After seeing that, I was very intrigued and just had to try it!

It's currently priced at £10 from Avon but is on a special offer which is a free 3-1 manicure tool when you spend £12 or more on selected products (one of which is this mascara so it shouldn't be too hard to spend the extra £2!).

Application brush
I opted to buy the 'blackest black' shade, purely because I never ever stray away from black mascara and would be far too scared to try any other colour quite frankly - I'm a creature of habit! However, they do have brown/black and navy shades available for anyone braver than me (which wouldn't be hard!).

As you can see from the picture to the right, the product splits into three when you open it. My first criticism of the product is that you really do have to pull the lid off quite hard to open it - but don't worry, just yank it and it won't break! Once you have the lid off, yank (again) to remove the dark pink stick from the black bottom of the product and, voila, there is your brush.

The brush is no longer than half of the size of my thumb in width which was a relief since Avon make it look massive in their adverts! And, surprisingly, it has been made to cater for eyelashes as it more or less covers all eyelashes in one brief upwards sweeping motion. Yes, it's strange at first but it's really not hard to get used to after the first few applications.

However, this isn't a 'going out' mascara - to get a night time effect, you would have to put over 5 coats of this on, at least! This is most definitely a mascara to be used during the day or when you don't want to overdo it at an office party - for any other purpose, I might be purchasing a different kind of mascara!

Overall, I might purchase this product again if I can't find anything better but not because of the brush - that part I love! I just wish Avon would make the packaging a little easier so it isn't a hassle to get the brush in and out of the bottle and make their actual mascara a bit thicker!

Have you tried Avon's Mega Effects Mascara?
Let me know what you thought!

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