Monday 27 July 2015

Review | Avon's Anew Ultimate Multi-Performance Lip Treatment | Beauty Brags

Avon's Anew Ultimate Multi-
Performance Lip Treatment
- £12.00 
Hey guys! So this review is slightly different to the usual beauty products I post on here as it's actually an anti-ageing product. Now, yes I've only just turned 21 and probably shouldn't be thinking about wrinkles and grey hairs, but it's never too early to start!

But that's not the reason I got this product. After flicking through my Avon catalogue, I stumbled across an advert for this product which immediately grasped my attention since it boasted a lip plumping effect. Since I've always wished my lips were bigger, I took a closer look and saw that it was an anti-ageing product which promised to plump lips (as lips naturally thin with age) as well as smooth the creases around the lip line. With those effects, I figured that my naturally average lips would surely become slightly bigger and more enhanced with this product and figured "why not?" and bought it for £12. And I most definitely have not been disappointed!

Avon's Anew Ultimate Multi-
Performance Lip Treatment
- £12.00
I won't lie, you don't get much serum in this product and I would much rather have a product solely for plumping rather than having the other end of the product for smoothing the lip line, but beggars can't be choosers and I'm sure the smoothing effect on my lips will be much appreciated when mother nature has her ways with me in a few years time! However, it's done me a good few months now although I'll probably have to re-order next payday (joys!). I've enclosed a picture of how the product splits into two parts so you can see roughly how much you will get. I'll also just pop the link to the product on Avon's website here so you can check it yourself!

Anyway, the actual product itself has been brilliant, especially for plumping my lips up to make my pout slightly more prominent without looking like I've had Botox. After using the product every day for around a week, I noticed that I had stopped hating the way lipstick looked when I put it on and I most definitely had a slight natural pout. Finally, my lips looked in proportion to my face and I am incredibly happy with the effects of it!

The smoothing aspect of the product has always proved to be useful as my lips have a tendency to chap quite badly and within a day of using this product, they were visibly less chapped and definitely didn't hurt as much (thank god!). Although I have been using my trusty old Vaseline at the same time, I occasionally revert back to this product if my lips are in particularly bad condition and I want a quick fix!

Quick word of warning however - if you do have chapped lips, this product is going to sting badly when you put it on! If anyone has ever used Blistex for their lips, the pain is slightly similar but obviously goes away within a few minutes. Because of this, it might be an idea to wait until your lips have healed a bit or are at least less cracked than usual before applying!

In all honesty, I don't think I could be without this product now - so happy I found it and finally love my lips!

Have you tried Avon's Anew Ultimate Multi-Lip Performance Treatment? 
Let me know what you thought of it!  

1 comment:

  1. I bought today and it feels good, but I'm confused if the smoothing part has long term anti ageing effects or if it's a temporary cosmetic effect.
